Table builder
A Laravel library to build tables easily, which interacts with a lightweight js builder and builds data from Eloquent Object-Relational Mapping with database tables. Table can also load static data. Current version: 2.3.0. Project on GitHub. Project on Packagist. This demosite sources available here.
Dynamic table
In the code, some values are printed with Javascript command console.log(data)
. Open developper console with F12, then click tab "Console"
In your controller create an instance of TableBuilderHelper and pass the variable to the view.
// init table object
$oTable = TableBuilderHelper::initTable(
'tabtest', //table id
route("tableload"), // route of table loader
array( //options
'buttons' => [ //buttons below table
'id' => 'toto', //button id
'em' => 'fas fa-search', //button icon
'action' => "multiselect", //js action triggered
'text' => 'Test multselect' // button test
'itemsperpage' => 20, //default elements per page
'eltsPerPageChngCallback' => 'eltspagechanged', // js function triggered when elements per page changed
'aftertableload' => 'aftertableload', // js function: callback after table load
// add columns
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('numeric', 'id', array(
'title' => 'Id',
'completetitle' => 'Employee id',
'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('data', 'lastname', array(
'title' => 'Last name',
'sortable' => true,
'defaultOrder' => 'asc',
'customAsc' => 'lastname:asc;firstname:asc', // sort columns
'customDesc' => 'lastname:desc;firstname:desc'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('data', 'firstname', array(
'title' => 'First name'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('date', 'birthday', array(
'title' => 'Birth date',
'format' => "yyyy-MM-DD", // date format in moment.js format
'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('image', 'avatar', array(
'title' => 'Avatar',
'tag' => 'img'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('mail', 'email', array(
'title' => 'Email',
'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('link', 'homepage', array(
'title' => 'Homepage',
'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('numeric', 'wage', array(
'title' => 'Wages',
'decimals' => 2,
'thousandsep' => "'",
'currency' => '$',
'currencyposafter' => false, //currency symbol before amount
'decimalsep' => '.'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('status', 'hasparking', array(
'title' => 'Parking?',
'completetitle' => 'Rents a parking space', // on hover
'aIcons' => array(
"0" => array( // column value corresponding to icon
'class' => 'fas fa-square', //icon displayed
'title' => 'no',
'style' => 'color:red'
"1" => array(
'class' => 'fas fa-square',
'title' => 'yes',
'style' => 'color:green'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('checkbox', 'selected', array(
'title' => 'HO',
'completetitle' => 'Home office ?',
'action' => 'checkboxclick' // js action triggered when cicking checkbox
// actions
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('action', 'actions', array(
'title' => 'Actions',
'actions' => array(
'em' => 'far fa-edit', // action icon
'text' => 'Edit',
'js' => "edit" // function called when clicked
return view('template', ['oTable' => $oTable]);
Insert following in blade template: {!! $oTable->output() !!}
Controller method for data:
public function loadTable(Request $request)
$test = new Tablecontent(); // inits database
$oTable = TableBuilderHelper::initDataBuilder($request); // init table data builder object
$oTable->setQuery($test); // passes Eloquent table object to data Builder
// builds a search function for search field
$wherefn = function ($query) {
$query->where('lastname', 'like', '%' . $this->searchTerm . '%')
->orwhere('firstname', 'like', '%' . $this->searchTerm . '%')
->orwhere('email', 'like', '%' . $this->searchTerm . '%');
// attach search function to databuilder
// adds a field to data (dummy example)
$oTable->addMethodToDisplay('selected', function ($test) {
$collection = collect([
]); // dummy example function to issue true or false
return $collection->random();
adds a field to data to set certain data line in red
$oTable->addMethodToDisplay(config('tablebuilder.table.rowcontextualtrigger'), function ($user) {
// set a special color for row where user has a big wage
if ($user->wage > 10000) {
return 'table-danger';
return '';
// Adds a footer after table data, for example global figures, totals etc
$oTable->setFooter('Total lines: ' . $test->count());
// return data for table
return $oTable->output();