Table builder

A Laravel library to build tables easily, which interacts with a lightweight js builder and builds data from Eloquent Object-Relational Mapping with database tables. Table can also load static data. Current version: 2.3.0. Project on GitHub. Project on Packagist. This demosite sources available here.

Dynamic table

In the code, some values are printed with Javascript command console.log(data). Open developper console with F12, then click tab "Console"

In your controller create an instance of TableBuilderHelper and pass the variable to the view.

// init table object
$oTable = TableBuilderHelper::initTable(
    'tabtest', //table id
    route("tableload"), // route of table loader
    array( //options
    'buttons' => [ //buttons below table
            'id' => 'toto', //button id
            'em' => 'fas fa-search', //button icon
            'action' => "multiselect", //js action triggered
            'text' => 'Test multselect' // button test
    'itemsperpage' => 20, //default elements per page
    'eltsPerPageChngCallback' => 'eltspagechanged', // js function triggered when elements per page changed
    'aftertableload' => 'aftertableload', // js function: callback after table load
// add columns
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('numeric', 'id', array(
    'title' => 'Id',
    'completetitle' => 'Employee id',
    'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('data', 'lastname', array(
    'title' => 'Last name',
    'sortable' => true,
    'defaultOrder' => 'asc',
    'customAsc' => 'lastname:asc;firstname:asc', // sort columns
    'customDesc' => 'lastname:desc;firstname:desc'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('data', 'firstname', array(
    'title' => 'First name'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('date', 'birthday', array(
    'title' => 'Birth date',
    'format' => "yyyy-MM-DD", // date format in moment.js format
    'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('image', 'avatar', array(
    'title' => 'Avatar',
    'tag' => 'img'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('mail', 'email', array(
    'title' => 'Email',
    'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('link', 'homepage', array(
    'title' => 'Homepage',
    'sortable' => true
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('numeric', 'wage', array(
    'title' => 'Wages',
    'decimals' => 2,
    'thousandsep' => "'",
    'currency' => '$',
    'currencyposafter' => false, //currency symbol before amount
    'decimalsep' => '.'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('status', 'hasparking', array(
    'title' => 'Parking?',
    'completetitle' => 'Rents a parking space', // on hover
    'aIcons' => array(
        "0" => array( // column value corresponding to icon
            'class' => 'fas fa-square', //icon displayed
            'title' => 'no',
            'style' => 'color:red'
        "1" => array(
            'class' => 'fas fa-square',
            'title' => 'yes',
            'style' => 'color:green'
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('checkbox', 'selected', array(
    'title' => 'HO',
    'completetitle' => 'Home office ?',
    'action' => 'checkboxclick' // js action triggered when cicking checkbox
// actions
$oTable->addColumn(TableBuilderHelper::initColumn('action', 'actions', array(
    'title' => 'Actions',
    'actions' => array(
            'em' => 'far fa-edit', // action icon
            'text' => 'Edit',
            'js' => "edit" // function called when clicked
return view('template', ['oTable' => $oTable]);

Insert following in blade template: {!! $oTable->output() !!}

Controller method for data:

public function loadTable(Request $request)
  $test = new Tablecontent(); // inits database
  $oTable = TableBuilderHelper::initDataBuilder($request); // init table data builder object
  $oTable->setQuery($test); // passes Eloquent table object to data Builder
                            // builds a search function for search field
  $wherefn = function ($query) {
      $query->where('lastname', 'like', '%' . $this->searchTerm . '%')
          ->orwhere('firstname', 'like', '%' . $this->searchTerm . '%')
          ->orwhere('email', 'like', '%' . $this->searchTerm . '%');
  // attach search function to databuilder
  // adds a field to data (dummy example)
  $oTable->addMethodToDisplay('selected', function ($test) {
      $collection = collect([
      ]); // dummy example function to issue true or false
      return $collection->random();
  adds a field to data to set certain data line in red
  $oTable->addMethodToDisplay(config('tablebuilder.table.rowcontextualtrigger'), function ($user) {
      // set a special color for row where user has a big wage
      if ($user->wage > 10000) {
          return 'table-danger';
      return '';
  // Adds a footer after table data, for example global figures, totals etc
  $oTable->setFooter('Total lines: ' . $test->count());
  // return data for table
  return $oTable->output();
